
The Midlife Mistress
All the Twats
De-twat your life
Redefining selfish
twats at work

“These books really made me laugh or relate to”

Davina McCall

“By turns funny, incisive and painful, Hobdey’s unflinchingly honest accept of a series of disastrous relationships will resonate with every woman who has loved unwisely.”

Frances Hardy, The Daily Mail

“Blisters the soul in it’s honesty… incredibly brave.”

Facebook Reviewer

“Wow, what a great book!
… bravely written… with candour, honesty, compassion and humour.”

Goodreads Reviewer

“This book is for you if you have ever failed or fallen short, especially in pursuit of your happily ever after.”

Kelly Tyler, Agent & Consultant for Speakers, Authors and Coaches

Coming soon

The Midlife Mistress

Twats at Work

Redefining Selfish

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The Midlife Mistress

The Midlife Mistress

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